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Bookpedia Feature Request: Export to Amazon

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:10 pm
by toonrmeusa
Using Bookpedia, I can select a book, Open Amazon for Selection, and then scroll down to the bottom of the screen, click "I own it", and select the number of stars I have assigned in Bookpedia. If I did this for my entire library, Amazon would (theoretically) be able to provide better recommendations.

Is there any way to use the Amazon web APIs to automate this process? An alternative would be to select a number of books, such as with a Smart Collection, and have Amazon generate recommendations based on this limted set.


P.S. By the way, I am still thrilled at how well my 250 books (another 250 to go) scroll in the cover view!

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:07 am
by Conor
These are great ideas that we hope to implement in the future. At the moment Amazon doesn't provide access to these features through their API. We hope these features as well as search within a book and placing a book for sale on their marketplace will be possible. Amazon has done great work on the API and continue to improve it, if you download Bookpedia again (silent update I did yesterday) you will notice you now get "Subjects" information with a book, they just added that to their Web Services.

I will take a look at what is possible through a URL, and redirecting you to Amazon in Safari with a list of books selected, although most of their URL possibilities work on a single book, and I doubt passing a list will be possible.

Thank you. :) We work hard on making the Pedias fast.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:08 pm
by toonrmeusa
Thanks for the update.
