Scanning entries using Pocketpedia

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Scanning entries using Pocketpedia

Post by dane »

I would like to add books to my Bookpedia collection using Pocketpedia while not connected to my home network. Per the following comment in the help, I should be able to do this.
If Pocketpedia cannot find Bookpedia connected to the same wireless network the scans will automatically be stored in Pocketpedia so you can sync them to the program later for a search.
I scanned a number of books in Pocketpedia and then synced to Bookpedia. However, I did not see any record of the UPCs that I scanned in Bookpedia or Pocketpedia. How should I expect to see the UPCs that I scanned?

Note that I have been able to successfully enter books while I am connected to my home network.
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Re: Scanning entries using Pocketpedia

Post by Conor »

The scans are stored and sent in the same way as if you had done it while at home. Once you are connected to your home network again and have Bookpedia running, return to the scan video window in Pocketpedia and you will see the number of stored scans reflected on the little Mac icon on the bottom right. Tap this icon and Pocketpedia will start the connection with Bookpedia and deliver all the scanned entries for searching. If you like to store the new entries in a particular collection be sure to select it in Bookpedia before beginning the process. I'll update the help to make it clear, thank you.
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Re: Scanning entries using Pocketpedia

Post by neonomad »


I am trying to add entries in Pocketpedia while off-network and then add them to Bookpedia by following these steps in Pocketpediaa:
  • tap Doghouse icon in button bar at bottom of screen
    tap camera icon
    camera screen appears with blue mac icon
    scan bar code
    listing for book appears
    tap plus sign icon
    add book to collection
    return to Doghouse camera view
Then what? No number indicating stored scans appear on the blue Mac icon.
By trial and error, I discovered that tapping the blue Mac icon asked to store scanned entries.
  • tap "Store"
    blue mac icon becomes green, but no number of scans appears
    launch Bookpedia
And... nothing. No number on blue Mac icon in Pocketpedia. Tapping the icon changes it from blue to green. If Pocketpedia is meant to "deliver all the scanned entries for searching", how does this appear in Pocketpedia and in Bookpedia?

I love your apps, but this precess seems a bit obscure and fiddly, and mysteriously separate from the main sync process, even if it were working for me.

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Scanning entries using Pocketpedia

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the clear description. There are two methods to add with the barcode scanner on the iPhone.

The first method that you describe is adding the books directly into Pocketpedia. Pocketpedia does the searching and you add the book into a specific collection. In this case the next time you run a sync (by pressing the "sync" button at the top level of the collection tab) it will send the new books currently in Pocketpedia to Bookpedia and they will be on both devices.

The second method is to send the scans directly to Bookpedia. This is the little Mac icon on the bottom right of the video that establishes this connection. When this icon is green then the scans are being captured to send to Bookpedia directly. If you scan a book while the icon is green, one of two things will happen:

If Pocketpedia is on the same network as Bookpedia and Bookpedia is running, it will deliver the code right away. You should see Bookpedia open the add multiple window and begin the search as well as flash the title of the result of that search on the screen and add the book to your Library.

If Bookpedia can't be found, it will prompt about storing the scans. The number of stored scans should appear as a little number badge above the green Mac icon. For each new barcode scanned the number should increase. Later on when Bookpedia is available, tap the Mac icon again (or twice if still on) to initiate the connection to the Mac and it will prompt to send all the stored entries and the above process of Bookpedia searching for books should happen.
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Re: Scanning entries using Pocketpedia

Post by neonomad »

Thanks for your quick reply... I would have waited to post my question if I had realized you were trying to get an update out the door!

Your first method does work for me, and would be my first choice anyway.

Even after scrupulously following your directions, I could never get the number of stored scans to appear, but let's hope that the problem is unique to me, because I don't really have the time to troubleshoot further.

Again, thanks for your help (and your apps, which I use almost daily), and the sync seems to working just fine for me.
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