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4.4.3 looks good, but can't find some new features...

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:10 am
by PauHana658
Hmmm. I know they're there. Somewhere, but danged if I can find them. Specifically, the new "Preference to add plot keywords into the tags from IMDb" -- what preference where? I can't find anything in the DVDpedia preferences related to this. Is it somewhere else?

Also, "New contextual menu for main cover view, with "show original" option." This is a biggie for me, 'cause if it works the way I think (hope) it does, it just made browsing my movie collection and moving movie files to the iPhone a whole lot easier. But (sob!), I can' t find this feature, either. Main cover view is the middle icon of the three "Views" in the toolbar? But then what is the new contextual menu and how (where?) do I access it? I've been right-clicking on everything in the program, and actually discovered a couple of contextual menus I hadn't known about (right-clicking a cover in the list view shows a menu option for showing the cover art file in the finder). None of the contextual menus show an option for "show original."

Can anyone out there help this dumb gaijin find these cool new features? Thanks!

Re: 4.4.3 looks good, but can't find some new features...

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:42 am
by Nora
I'm sorry that the release notes were causing confusion! (I've amended them a little to make it clearer, hopefully that'll help others too.)

The IMDb preferences are found under the plug-in menu, the little white cube to the right of the Help menu. You'll see a menu option for 'IMDb' there and at the bottom of that window you'll see the tags option to add to the IMDb download.

The contextual menu is the one you found by accident already - the main cover image refers to the cover image well on the bottom left-hand corner of the main DVDpedia window. Ctrl-click in there to bring up the contextual menu where you can choose 'Show in Finder' to see the original file for the cover image in the Finder.

Re: 4.4.3 looks good, but can't find some new features...

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:10 pm
by sjk
PauHana658 wrote:it just made browsing my movie collection and moving movie files to the iPhone a whole lot easier.
Maybe not, because:
Nora wrote:Ctrl-click in there to bring up the contextual menu where you can choose 'Show in Finder' to see the original file for the cover image in the Finder.
Seems you want a way to easily locate the movie file, not its cover image?

Re: 4.4.3 looks good, but can't find some new features...

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:19 pm
by PauHana658
Ah, got 'em! Thanks!

The IMDB prefs setting for tags could be very useful. Will have to explore that one a bit more.

And yep, I was hoping that "Show in Finder" would show the linked file. That way, I could browse through the DVDpedia listings, find a movie I wanted to watch, "Show linked file in Finder," and drag it onto the iPhone/touch in iTunes. Right now, I have to hold the mouse cursor over the link, note the finder path at the bottom of the DVDpedia window, and then switch to the finder and click and scroll my way through volumes and folders until I find it. Not exactly convenient. Any chance that "Show linked file in Finder" can make it into a future version of DVDpedia?

Thanks for the explanations, Nora and sjk (Hawaii? Really? Before I became a dumb gaijin, I was a dumb haole! Howzit, brah!)