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keyboard shortcuts for adresbook possible ?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:16 am
by mug
I use bookpedia a lot. But it cost a lot of mouse-clicks to borrow an item
I use an barcode scanner for the students that borrow an item from me.
And I have all adressen of my students in my adressbook (Apple contacts)
Now I have to do 7 mouse-clicks
- Select item,
- Borrow button
- Adressbook button
- Delete old name (or registration number)
- Scan
- Select person
- OK

It would be nice if this could by faster, with less mouse-clicks.
Can anybody help ? Thanks allready and greeting from The Netherlands

Re: keyboard shortcuts for adresbook possible ?

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:41 am
by mug
This is what I want: (better suggestions welcome)
- Select item,
- use 'short cut' to go direct to adressbook
- Scan
- Select person = OK

Shouldn't be so difficyult be make an 'short cut'. I can use Apple OS keyboard custom 'short cut' function. But I can only use this option with item that's are in the menu. An icon I can't select, so I have now no possibility to make an short cut myself.
Someone an good idea to solve this ?

Re: keyboard shortcuts for adresbook possible ?

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:00 am
by Conor
There is the shortcut to "mark as borrowed" command-shift-B. But it does bring you directly to the borrowed sheet, where you would not be able to use your scanner as the autofill is expecting to use the name of the borrower not id number information. Not sure if Automator or AppleScript would let you trigger a mouse click on the button automatically.

I have updated the Bookpedia beta to include the same "command-shift-B" shortcut for the address book once the borrowed panel is open. So with the beta you will be able to do

1. Command-shift-B, Command-shift-B
2. Scan
3. Select, OK (enter).