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5.9.2 Locked up twice

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:29 pm
by kencmcg
I just ignored the first event so I can't say what I did, but this second one was this: I dropped a new piece of cover art on top of an older one. The book was selected from a search list, and the listing was open. The cover art was visible in the lower left corner of the page, and I dropped the scanned cover file on it. The new cover appeared in the corner, didn't appear in the open page. I closed the page, thinking that it might need to be refreshed for the new cover to appear. Instead, the application froze there and I had to quit it and reopen it. Upon reopening, everything was correct.

Re: 5.9.2 Locked up twice

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:41 am
by Conor
Thank you. Think I have it fixed in the latest beta. If it happens again do let me know, as it was a bit of a guess game while looking at the code.

Side note: you can also drag and drop to the image well in the edit window, when the edit window is open.