Pocketpedia and the Taller iPhone 5

With the launch of iPhone 5 today we wanted to let you know that the upcoming version of Pocketpedia will support the extra 176 pixels. For data driven apps like Pocketpedia the extra height is a great addition since more of your collections, items, results and details will be visible. Specifically, this means you get to see two more collections and one more row of items when you’re in a collection.

Below are listed a few fantasy books from my personal collection. The first screenshot is for iPhone 4S followed by iPhone 5 screenshot.

iOS makes it easy to cram a lot onto the screen but it was getting crowded when the search was in use. As above, iPhone 4S screenshot followed by iPhone 5.

iPhone 5 brings a little bit more of everything to Pocketpedia. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on an iPhone 5 on launch day, then look forward to the next release of Pocketpedia. (As soon as I am done with some other features currently in development.)