Pocketpedia 3.6

The new Pocketpedia 3.6 is out with a number of small fixes. The big change is, it looks better for the latest iPhones. On that note, there are still a few more updates to do for the latest iPhones resolutions, but those require to drop support for the old iOS. So this will be the last version supporting iOS 8. The next version will be iOS 11 and above only so that we can take advantage of the new APIs for supporting the notch and other new features.

The original iOS 1.0 release.

Since the next version will be 4.0, it was time to change the name from Pocketpedia3 to avoid confusion. We are owners of the original name belonging to the above icon attached to the original debut of the App Store. We finally gathered the courage to say goodbye to the original app and freed the name to use again. From now on Pocketpedia will simply be known as Pocketpedia no matter what version. Next step is to add PocketpediaTV into it and make it universal.

Pocketpedia 4.0 has been on parallel development and works well with Pedias 6.0 that are also coming soon. The Pedias 6.0 will be released first and then I will be able to put the final touches on 4.0 to release that version and get everybody on the future and drop support for older OSs that have been slowing us down these last few years. For those of you stuck on an older Mac, iPhone or iPad, the old version is still going strong and will stay around for download.