iSight crashes MacBook Pro

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iSight crashes MacBook Pro

Post by Mixalis »

I've just purchased Bookpedia and have been getting on ok with the manually entered ISBN numbers. I thought I would try the iSight recognition and have hit a major problem. Every time I select iSight from the Add box and present an ISBN for recognition the following happens:

1) The disk of my (new) MacBook Pro goes into overdrive
2) Bookpedia stops responding and iSight freezes
3) Cannot access the Apple menu to force quit
4) After about four minutes of fast disk whirring I can access Force Quit.

I have tried this several times, rebooting between sessions, and it happens the same every time. Bookpedia is a new download and all my Mac software is up to date (10.4.7). The iSight, of course, is built in. Anyone any ideas?
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Post by Nora »

Unfortunately the new built-in iSights don't work with the Pedias yet. Because the cameras are so small they lack the ability to change focus and that is something our iSight code relies on heavily. We're working on getting it up to speed but it's proving tricky. (If any developers out there are interested in helping out - please drop us a line!)

Even though the programs can't work yet with the new iSights, the feature still shouldn't crash the program. Send us the crash report so we can take a look at the problem. (You'll find our email on the support page.)
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Post by Conor »

The new version of Bookpedia works with the built-in iSights. If you're still getting the hang let us know.
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I'm new

Post by Willietattoos »

Hi, I'm new here, and I have a new iMac, so I know little about iSight.

I tried to use the built in camera to scan a DVD barcode, but I'm not sure how to do it.

After reading this thread, I wonder if CDPedia, is set up to do this with this camera, yet.

Any help and direction you may provide will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks and have a great day!
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Post by Nora »

Yes, all the Pedias are set up to work with the built-in iSights now. Take a look at the CDpedia Help file for tips and illustrated help on how to work with that feature. (You'll find it in the Adding section of the Help.)

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Post by mittendrin »

Conor wrote:The new version of Bookpedia works with the built-in iSights. If you're still getting the hang let us know.

I downloaded the newest version, but it really doesnt work with my built-in isight on my intel imac... my arm is already aching... with delicious library it is no problem to scan, but with bookpedia its impossible... if it will work i will buy bookpedia instead of delicious library...
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re: iSight improvement

Post by cubamark »

Hi Nora, and everyone with the 'Pedias!

I've been downloading and testing various programs like Bookpedia, and hands-down I'm seriously looking at purchasing BP over the other top contender, DL.

I'm impressed at the openness with which you guys admit to the inferior nature of your iSight implementation as compared to DL (which is ridiculously good).

The one thing I've noticed between the two implementations, and no doubt your programmers have already thought of this - but it never hurts to suggest, right? - is that DL's implementation seems to scan only in black & white, while the BP image comes up in colour. Perhaps that's one reason for the higher contrast / more accurate result?

And if you're looking to improve iSight scans, it might be nice if someone would develop a little wrap-around LED light that could slip onto the lid of the MacBook / MacBook Pro / iMacs to give the iSight some nice, direct light on the subject. Perhaps a USB-powered thingy?

Thanks to all for developing such a cool app. I hope to be a customer soon.

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Post by Conor »

DL's implementation seems to scan only in black & white, while the BP image comes up in colour. Perhaps that's one reason for the higher contrast / more accurate result?
We tried black and white early on in the development but looking at the histogram curves we decided to work with the green channel, although the image is shown in color, we use only the green as it reacts very strongly to black and white changes. Thank you for the suggestion, now that the algorithm is built it might be time to take a look at the original ... e)#HSV]HSV encoding that has a luminosity channel or a black and white version.
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