Pocketpedia iOS 7

Bookpedia iPad iOS 7

Pocketpedia 3.2 with an iOS 7 interface is finally out. Took us longer than expected as we tried to keep backwards compatibility with previous iOS versions, but in the end it was too time consuming. The changes in iOS 7 are too many, so going forward all the new versions of Pocketpedia are iOS 7+. The old version will still be available through the App Store for those with older devices that can’t upgrade to the latest iOS.

The new version is looking great. On the iPad it was less work as we already had most of the interface matching iOS 7. The iPhone version got a serious makeover and no longer has a dedicated Doghouse search tab bar. The search is now integrated with the collection screen under the organize button (top right). This frees a lot more vertical space for the item and collection listing. Another area of notable improvement is the ability to sort by any field in Pocketpedia with a scroll picker. Selecting the same field twice will also allow to flip the sorting to descending. Not common with alphabetical sorting but handy for numbers and ratings.

As usual a number of smaller updates smarter addition of items to the selected collection without the need for user selection, localization corrections and speed improvements.

Star Wars DVDpedia iOS 7

Thank you for waiting and as always we would like to thank all the beta testers who took time to debug and improve Pocketpedia and helped us make this iOS 7 release so smooth.