Doghouse Moderator Guide

The Doghouse keeps growing thanks to all our great users but we also need to make sure that the data we have in there is as accurate as possible. If you’ve signed up to be a Doghouse Moderator you’ll want to visit the Doghouse Moderator’s Guide page often.

We’ve recently updated it with information on handling duplicates with its own section for clarity. We also updated the styles for better readability.

Instead of creating a lengthy entry here in the blog repeating the instructions on the Moderator’s Guide, please refer to the pages directly.

We’ll keep updating this guide and adding new info as regularly as we can so make sure to check it often.


2 responses to “Doghouse Moderator Guide”

  1. Waldbaer Avatar

    Hi, I found that the Moderator Guide’s duplicate and flag it! pages can only be seen by admins at the moment, which is probably not what you want. 😉
    Besides from that, great that you began the project of guiding the moderators. I hope it will be used, extended and discussed where necessary!

  2. Thanks for pointing this out Waldbaer, I hadn’t noticed it since I’m always logged in as an admin 🙂
